The Foreign Qualified Lawyers (FQL) Sub-Committee of the NSW Branch of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association is pleased to invite you to the webinar by Claire Bibby on 'Redefining life as a lawyer in a post COVID-19, tech-led, world'
We are delighted to invite Claire to share her thoughts and expertise on:
- How to stand out in a crowded market of lawyers
- How the practice of law is changing (and why Google is usually right)
- Alternative career paths for lawyers
- Practical changes you can make that will have a real and sustainable impact.
Date: 8 June, 2021
Time: 6:00 - 7:00pm
This webinar will be hosted by Zoom:
Asian Australian Lawyers Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NSW FQL Subcommittee Webinar with Claire Bibby
Time: Jun 8, 2021 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
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About Claire:

Claire is a senior lawyer and professional coach, based in Sydney, Australia. She has founded and co-founded a number of businesses covering the legal, coaching, property-tech and legal-tech spaces.
As an executive, Claire has over 30 years of experience gained through senior management appointments with some of the world’s largest companies and at top-tier law firms. As the founder of a boutique law firm, she has now condensed her legal practice to supporting the SME market with commercial legal advice, mediation and arbitration services.
Claire is an internationally qualified life coach (as an ACC) and has founded a global professional coaching practice in which she coaches private and corporate clients, specialising in lawyers and executives, to empower them to move their career and leadership dreams into active, actionable, pursuits. As a member of both the International Coaching Federation and The Institute of Coaching McLean/Harvard Medical School, Claire is passionate about helping lawyers and executives rewrite the rules, whether they be craving clarity on what a dream career by design looks like, want to finally move that great business idea off the back burner and into reality, or how to get that next promotion or a new job.
Outside of her executive life, Claire is a non-executive director of multiple ASX listed companies and is an Industry/Professional Fellow with the University of Technology Sydney, School of Law. In addition, Claire is an honorary member of the New South Wales executive of the Australian Association of Corporate Counsel and a committee member of the New South Wales Law Society Futures Committee.
Claire has been recognised as one of Australia’s best lawyers and female executives, including having been awarded the “Excellence Award for Women in Law”, “General Counsel of the Year”, “Female Executive of the Year in Asia, Australia & New Zealand”, “Mentor of the Year” and was featured in SmartCompany's International Women's Day Showcase.
Part and parcel with her passion for coaching, Claire is an active public speaker on issues of innovation, diversity and inclusion, psychological wellness, developing high performing teams and women’s leadership. Claire is also a mentor for 7 x World Surfing Champion Layne Beachley AO's "Aim for the Stars" Foundation.