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AALA QLD - Crisis Management: What to Do When Things Go Wrong

  • 26 Mar 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Hemmant's List Centre, Level 6, Santos Place, 32 Turbot Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
  • 45


Registration is closed

What do you do when:

  • your client is sentenced to an actual term of imprisonment and the corrective services officers start to circle?
  • you believe that the interpreter that's speaking for your client is not interpreting their evidence accurately? 
  • your client tells you on the date of settlement that they no longer want to proceed with the sale of their house?

Join the AALA QLD as a panel of barristers from a range of experience and practice areas consider these and other issues.  The workshop is designed to give lawyers (particularly those within the first 5 years of practice) practical advice and tips when things don't go as expected. 

The event will be preceded, and followed by, networking drinks.

Date: Tuesday 26 March 2024

Venue: Hemmant's List Centre, Level 6, 32 Turbot Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Time: 5.30pm for a 5.45pm start

Cost: Free for AALA members, $10 for non-members (in person), $5 for non-members (online)

Registrations are essential as spaces are strictly limited.

We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions or issues please contact qld@aala.org.au.

AALA QLD gratefully acknowledges Hemmant's List sponsorship and support of this event.

Content from the workshop may count towards an Ethics, and a Substantive Law / Professional Skills CPD point component. 

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