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AALA National Summit SA After Party

25 Sep 2021 3:37 PM | Deleted user

For the SA Branch’s first National Cultural Diversity Summit this year, we hosted a panel of guest speakers to provide insight on their own experiences as legal professionals in line with our event theme “Being more than a lawyer”. Our Diversity Panel consisted of:

1.         Ahura Kalali, barrister at Barry Jennings Chambers (as chair);

2.         SA District Court Judge Rauf Soulio; 

3.         Thuan Nguyen – solicitor at the Legal Services Commission; and

4.         Kate Bickford – partner at HWL Ebsworth.

Amidst tough COVID restrictions across the country, the National Summit After Party here in SA was a welcomed event.  With a turnout of 50 guests in attendance, the breadth of experience and diversity of practice areas added a nice touch to what had been a showstopper of a National Summit throughout the course of the day.  

The panel discussion segment of the evening touched on some important but rarely discussed topics of the legal profession, such as work/life balance, finding passion in one’s career, key career drivers, and words of wisdom from our panelists that they wish they’d given their young selves knowing what they know now.

In AALA SA Branch tradition, the panel discussion was followed by lots of delicious food and even better drinks.

We are so lucky to have the support of so many amazing businesses here in SA.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing sponsors, who have made this event possible:

1.             Cimicky Wines – for providing beautiful Barossa Valley wines for serving throughout the evening as well as incredible door prizes;

2.             1/3 by NNQ – for generously opening up their beautiful restaurant to our guests and for their incredible hospitality throughout the evening;

3.             Two Accent Gins – for providing us with their fine gins as door prizes; and 

4.             Panel members – for taking time out of their precious Saturday evening to share their words of wisdom to those in attendance.

We hope our members and guests who attended the SA Branch’s National Summit After Party left with full tummies, meaningful connections with other members of the profession and a deeper understanding and curiosity on what it means to be more than a lawyer.

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