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Applications now open for Menzies Foundation scholarships in law

17 Jul 2015 10:55 AM | Deleted user

Dear Members,

Please see below information in relation to Menzies Foundation scholarships in law, which may be of interest to some members.

Menzies Foundation scholarships in law

The Menzies Foundation is looking for outstanding law graduates who are shaping up to be the next generation of leaders and looking to do further postgraduate study overseas.

The Menzies Foundation is offering two scholarships for studying commencing in 2016.

  • The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Law is for courses of study at UK universities.
  • The Sir Ninian Stephen Menzies Scholarship in International Law is for courses of study in international law at a prestigious overseas university.

Both scholarships, valued at up to $75,000.

Applications are now open and close on 31 August 2015

To be eligible, applicants must be Australian citizens and hold a 1st class honours degree or equivalent and be planning to continue their career in Australia on completion of their study.

Candidates should not only display academic excellence but also demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities and a commitment to and interest in community service.

The funds are to meet compulsory university fees and contribute towards the cost of books, equipment, living and travel.

You can see last year’s winners, Patrick Wall and Andrew Currie, online at:http://menziesfoundation.org.au/scholars/scholars-current

For the full prospectus and to apply:

Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Law: http://menziesfoundation.org.au/scholarships/law

Sir Ninian Stephen Menzies Scholarship in International Law:http://menziesfoundation.org.au/scholarships/international-law

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