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Baker & McKenzie becomes the first corporate sponsor for the AALA

05 Aug 2015 5:35 PM | Deleted user

The Asian Australian Lawyers Association is pleased to announce that global law firm, Baker & McKenzie, has recently become its first corporate sponsor.

Ms Anne-Marie Allgrove, Chair of the Diversity & Flexibility Steering Group at Baker & McKenzie in Australia, said:

“Baker & McKenzie’s 11,000+ lawyers are citizens of 55 countries and speak more than 75 languages, from Farsi and French to Japanese and Javanese. With 77 offices in 47 countries around the world, diversity has been part of its foundation from the very beginning.”

“The firm is proud to support the Asian Australian Lawyers Association catering to the growing number of Asian Australian lawyers in the legal profession, as well as other lawyers with an interest in Asia. We strongly support the Asian Australian Lawyers Association’s goal in the promotion and facilitation of Asian cultural diversity in the senior ranks of the legal profession.” 

President Reynah Tang thanked Baker & McKenzie for its generous support for the association and said:

“The sponsorship reflects Baker & McKenzie’s strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and follows on from the firm’s support for the launch of our cultural diversity analysis earlier this year.”

It is a very exciting time for the AALA, with the recent appointment of one of our members to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, the impending launch of the 2015 mentoring scheme and a new directory of members, our expansion into New South Wales and our upcoming ‘leadership conversations’ in association with Diverse Australasian Women’s Network”

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