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Australian Italian Lawyers Association Dinner Seminar

26 Feb 2016 4:41 PM | Deleted user
Dear Members, 

The Australian Italian Lawyers Association is hosting a dinner seminar on 10 March 2016. 

Date: 10 March 2016

Time: 7pm for 7:30pm

Venue: University House, University of Melbourne, 112 Professors Walk, Parkville

Tickets: $99

CPD Points: 1

The Hon Justice Tony Pagone of the Federal Court of Australia will introduce The Hon Justice Oberto of the Court of Turin (Italy) who will speak on "The enforcement of Court Orders in European Countries". Attendees will be entitled to 1 CPD point.

This is not an AALA event, but AALA members are warmly invited to attend. 

For details on registration, please visit: http://www.trybooking.com/179143

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