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Appointment of Ms Urfa Masood to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

29 Apr 2016 2:40 PM | Deleted user

The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) condemns the bigoted tirades published on social media, as referred to in The Age today, criticising the appointment of Ms Urfa Masood to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.

Attorney General Martin Pakula’s appointment of Ms Masood to the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria is a step in the right direction towards greater cultural diversity in the Courts and ensuring the judiciary is reflective of the community it serves.  

The President of the AALA, Reynah Tang, said:

The Magistrates’ Court of Victoria handles a large volume of cases each day.  Ms Masood’s appointment will provide greater diversity of understanding in dealing with matters from an Australian community that is increasingly multicultural and multi-faith. This is critical for social cohesion.

The AALA warmly congratulates Ms Masood on her appointment.

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