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Are you looking to make a difference?

29 Apr 2016 4:10 PM | Deleted user

Then why not get more involved with the Asian Australian Lawyers Association and help us in the drive to promote cultural diversity in the legal profession. Due to an overseas relocation, a casual vacancy has arisen on the AALA Executive Committee (until the next Annual General Meeting to be held in August/September). The Executive Committee, which meets monthly, provides governance and oversight of the activities of the AALA. In addition, Executive Committee members are expected to get involved with our sub-committees (membership, events, professional development, international relationships and social media/e-marketing) or other ad hoc programs (eg. proposed William Ah Ket Scholarship). While meetings are held at the Law Institute of Victoria, teleconference facilities are available for members who are interstate or work in suburban or regional areas.

If you want to get involved, please send your CV (not more than 3 pages) and a short statement (not more than 250 words) about what you would bring to the AALA, to our secretary at tuanh.nguyen@aala.org.au by 5pm on Friday 13 May 2016. If you have been involved in AALA committees or similar work for other associations, that will be considered favourably. You should also indicate whether you would nevertheless be interested in joining one of our subcommittees in the event you are not appointed to the Executive Committee.

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