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AALA Presents: Vincent Shin - My Story

03 Jun 2016 5:00 PM | Deleted user

Growing up in difficult family circumstances, Vincent Shin has beaten all odds to graduate with honours from his law degree and become Australia’s first ever in-house school lawyer. Vincent’s is an incredible story of triumph over the adversity that so many migrant families and their children have come to experience in Australia.

The AALA is proud to present a screening of Vincent's short biographical documentary. You will also get the chance to hear directly from Vincent himself about his fascinating story and work.

What:Vincent Shin – My Story
When:Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Where:Baker & McKenzie
Level 19, 181 William St

Drinks and canapés to be served.

Event sponsor:

The AALA would like to thank Baker & McKenzie for their very generous support of the event.


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