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Event invitation - Brave New World of Law - Turn disruption into profit (Law Institute of Victoria)

12 Jul 2016 5:39 PM | Deleted user

Dear Members, 

On Wednesday 20 July 2016 the LIV will be holding an Insight breakfast on the topic Brave New World of Law - Turn disruption into profit.

The event will focus on disruption, innovation and new business models and will provide some of answers to questions including:

  • How has customer demand impacted the new direction of legal practice?
  • How do digital platforms enable greater efficiency, return on investment and global market access?
  • What makes a 'legal entrepreneur' and how can higher education help you become one?
  • What does flexible work look like and how is it a competitive advantage?
  • What goes along with being an innovative lawyer, and how can it help bring more business to your firm?

Date: Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Time: 7:00am - 9:30am

Location: RACV City Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Registrations by 15 July to register@liv.asn.au

For more information and registration details, please click here

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