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Event invitation - Commemorative Evensong to remember the Victims of Nice, Ankara and Istanbul (French Australian Lawyers Society VIC)

20 Jul 2016 6:54 PM | Deleted user

Dear Members, 

Please see below event invitation from the French Australian Lawyers Society. 

Commemorative Evensong to remember the Victims of Nice, Ankara and Istanbul

I would be very pleased if you, or a representative, were able to join us for a Commemorative Evensong on Thursday, 21 July, at 5.10pm at St Paul's Cathedral, to remember those who perished this weekend in Nice, Ankara and Istanbul,and to pray for peace in our world.

During our service, members of the Consular Corps will be lighting candles as a sign of hope. We will be praying for those who mourn loved ones, for the injured and distressed, and for all those committed to the work of peace.

Please would you let our Cathedral Secretary, Hannah Hornsby (hhornsby@stpaulscathedral.org.au) know should you be able to join us. 

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