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AALA Committee meets with Jiangsu lawyers delegation

28 Sep 2016 10:26 AM | Deleted user

On 20 September 2016, members of the Asian Australian Lawyers Assocation committee met with a delegation of high profile lawyers from Jiangsu province, China. This event was jointly hosted by the AALA and Piper Alderman, and sponsored by Piper Alderman. 

The Jiangsu lawyers came from 8 different prefectures in Jiangsu province, and were here for a 2 month exchange program at the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre. AALA President, Tuanh Nguyen, warmly welcomed the delegates and presented the AALA lapel pin as a gift to the leader of the delegation, Jiang Weidong and conferred on each of the delegates Honorary Membership to the AALA. Executive Committee Member, William Lye, made the closing speech and gave the vote of thanks.

This meeting aligns with the AALA's objectives of developing links with Asian legal associations and promoting a mutual understanding of Australian and Asian legal systems.

The AALA thanks Ian Nathaniel, Partner and Chair of Diversity at Piper Alderman for his firm's generous support for this event. 

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