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Her Honour Magistrate Urfa Masood: Reflections from the Bench

13 Feb 2017 12:00 PM | Deleted user

The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) and Muslim Legal Network (MLN) are proud to present an evening with Her Honour Magistrate Urfa Masood, Victoria's first female Muslim Magistrate, at 6.00pm on 1 March 2017, at Baker & McKenzie, Level 19, 181 William Street, Melbourne.

Join us as we celebrate Her Honour's first year on the bench, and as she shares her experiences and reflections on her journey and appointment to the Court.

The evening is free for AALA and MLN members, however registrations are essential. Non-members can purchase their tickets through the AALA website.

The AALA and MLN are committed to advancing cultural diversity in the legal profession. This is an excellent opportunity to meet, network and engage in this important issue with friends and colleagues.


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