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Auckland Inter-Pacific Bar Association Annual Conference, 6-9 April 2017

07 Mar 2017 8:58 AM | Deleted user

AALA members are warmly invited to attend the IPBA Annual Conference in Auckland from 6-9 April 2017.

Current indications are that the Auckland conference should attract more than 800 lawyers from around the world, who work in or have an interest in business law in the Asia-Pacific area.  This number is based on over 1100 registrants at the Hong Kong conference in 2015 and 975 in Kuala Lumpur in 2016, and the enthusiasm of attendees at the Kuala Lumpur conference for coming to New Zealand.   This will be one of the biggest international business law conferences ever held in New Zealand.

If you are interested in attending, please let us know by sending us an email at info@aala.org.au. If there is sufficient interest from AALA members, members may be entitled to a discount on the standard conference fee.

For more info about the conference, please click here.

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