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Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association Event - The Inaugural Victorian HAL Oration

27 Jun 2017 4:47 PM | Deleted user

Dear Members,

The Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association is hosting the Inaugural Victorian HAL Oration at the Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne on Friday 4 August 2017. The Honourable Geoffrey Nettle, Justice of the High Court of Australia, will deliver the Oration on the topic of “Some Hellenic Contributions to the Law”.

AALA members are warmly invited to attend. To register for this event, please visit: https://www.trybooking.com/291928

For more information contact Andrew K Panna QC at akpanna@vicbar.com.au or call (03) 9225 7643 or Elefteria (Teri) Konstantinou  teri@vicbar.com.au or call 9225 8794

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