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Research on culturally diverse leaders in the legal profession (Melbourne)

28 Nov 2017 9:18 PM | Deleted user
The AALA committee has been contacted by Amy Choi, a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, who is conducting research on culturally diverse leaders in the legal profession.

Ms Choi is seeking participants in Melbourne to be interviewed for her research. The interviews will be kept confidential, and the identity of the participants and their firms/organisations will be kept anonymous. It is anticipated that the interview will take approximately 1 hour. 

The participant criteria are as follows:

- Working in the legal profession

- 'Emerging leader' such as Senior Associate or Senior Legal Counsel

- 'Senior leader' such as Partner, Barrister, Judge or Head of Legal Counsel

- Has an Asian cultural background (this includes Central Asia, such as Indian or Sri Lankan). They can either be a 1st generation migrant or born in Australia (2nd and subsequent generation).

The AALA would encourage members who meet the criteria to participate in the research. Studies such as this one play an important role in advancing cultural diversity in the profession.

For more information and to express your interest in participating, please click here.

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