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Recent statistics on cultural diversity

12 Apr 2018 2:20 PM | Deleted user
The Victorian Bar has released "The State of the Victorian Bar" survey, which includes diversity statistics for the Victorian Bar.

In particular, the statistics reveal 15% of surveyed members were born overseas, 37% had at least one parent born overseas, and 9% spoke a language other than English at home. The most common of those languages were Greek, Italian, French, German and Hebrew. 

To read the survey reports, please click here.

Further, the Australian Human Rights Commission has recently released its updated report "Leading for Change", which follows its previous report released in 2016. 

The report finds, for instance, that only 1.6% of Chief Executives in Australia have an Asian cultural background, compared to 21% of the Australian population that has an Asian cultural background.

The report includes statistics from the Asian Australian Lawyers Association (at pages 16-17, 20 and 28).

To read the report, please click here.

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