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AALA and Asian Law Centre: Judge Yuri Takemura - Expert Evidence in Australia and Japan

10 May 2018 9:00 AM | Deleted user

Expert Evidence in Australia and Japan

Co-hosted by the Asian Law Centre and the Asian Australian Lawyers Association Inc.

Date: Monday 4 June 2018
Time:5.30pm - 7.00pm
Venue: Room 920, Level 9, Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham Street, Carlton, 3053
Registration here

All welcome. Please forward this information to those who may be interested.

Complex cases often require expert knowledge to achieve appropriate resolution in the eyes of the parties and society. But it is challenging for judges who don't have specific expertise or experience in the relevant field to decide those cases. For ordinary civil cases requiring expertise,parties in Australia bring experts to the court and the cases are resolved by examining their opinions. On the other hand,in Japan, the courts appoint experts and solve those cases based on their opinions. This seminar will focus on how ordinary civil cases which need expertise are resolved in Japan and highlight the differences in ways of thinking of solutions for these cases between Australia and Japan


Yuri Takemura is a Judge in the Yokohama District Court in Japan. She received the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty of Law, Osaka University in 2009, and the degree of Juris Doctor from the Osaka University Law School in 2012. She passed the National Bar Examination in 2012 and completed a year-longcourse of practical legal training as a legal apprentice in 2013. She was appointed a Judge in 2014 and dealt with civil cases at the Yokohama District Court from 2014 to 2017. She is a visiting scholar at the Melbourne Law School under the Overseas Training Programme of the Supreme Court of Japan (June 2017 – June 2018). This programme provides judges with an opportunity to gain insights on the administration of justice through comprehensive research on foreign jurisdictions.

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