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Litigation Workshop: What to Do When Things Go Wrong

21 Sep 2018 7:11 PM | Reimen Hii (Administrator)

The Queensland Asian Australian Lawyers Association branch is holding its inaugural Litigation Workshop on Thursday morning 8 November 2018.  Tea, coffee, and a light breakfast will be provided.

The topic will be “What to Do When Things Go Wrong”. What do you do when:

  • the day before a contested hearing you learn that your opponent has briefed a barrister that acted for your client 6 months ago on a direct access brief?
  • you go to receive a civil judgment and the judge has unexpectedly ruled against your client
  • your client is sentenced to an actual term of imprisonment and the corrective services officers start to circle?

The Workshop will be delivered by a panel of barristers from a range of experience and practice areas. It is designed to give lawyers within the first 5 years of practice practical advice and tips they need when practising in litigation.  

Date: Thursday 8 November 2018 
Venue: Baker McKenzie, Level 8, 175 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 
Time: 7.15am for a 7.45am start 
Cost: Free for AALA members, $10 for practitioners, $5 for students

For further details and to register go to www.aala.org.au/event-3068023.

Registrations are essential as spaces are strictly limited.

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