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AALA & Monash Law: Panel on pathways outside of top-tier commercial law firms , the AALA and the importance of cultural diversity

24 Oct 2018 9:24 PM | Deleted user

On Tuesday evening 16 October 2018, Daniel Nguyen (Victorian President of AALA), Kerry Truong (Victorian Secretary of AALA) and John Leung (barrister) spoke on a panel about career pathways outside of top-tier commercial law firms, the importance of cultural diversity in the legal profession and the AALA’s role in promoting greater cultural diversity in the law. 


The Q&A session was thought provoking and the law students raised issues concerning the collection of cultural background data as well as how a person born overseas might go about maintaining their cultural traditions whilst adapting to Australian culture. 


Many thanks to Monash Law Faculty for holding and sponsoring the event with AALA which was held at Monash Law Chambers. Law students are encouraged to support and join the AALA (for a small fee of $10) via http://www.aala.org.au/membership-application

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