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Former AALA President Reynah Tang interviewed by the Croation National Television network for a documentary on Australian multiculturalism

15 Jan 2019 1:53 PM | Deleted user

Former AALA President Reynah Tang and other prominent culturally diverse Australian community leaders, lawyers, politicians, academics, business people and others, including Hong Lim, Pookong Kee, Cam Nguyen, Waleed Ali, Andrew Jakubowicz, Shereen Hassan, Jen Tsen Kwok, Zed Seselja, Andrew Bushnell, and Sayed Rahmatullah Hussainizada are interviewed by the Croation National Television network for a documentary on Australian multiculturalism, Promised Land by journalist Dragan Nikolic. An engaging perspective on how modern multicultural Australia is tracking with diversity viewed from without (commentary in Croation, but all interviews in English) . See the full documentary at: https://magazin.hrt.hr/482109/zasto-su-melbourne-i-drzava-victoria-multikulturalne-meke

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