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Andrew Lu OAM appointed to WA state administrative tribunal

09 Mar 2019 9:11 AM | Deleted user

The Asian Australian Lawyers Association congratulates Andrew Lu OAM as he is appointed to Western Australia's State Administrative Tribunal. 

"Dr Andrew Lu OAM has substantial experience representing the insurance industry, health practitioners, and Government. Andrew began practice as a commercial insurance solicitor with Freehills, managed medical and professional indemnity and general insurance disputes at Minter Ellison, and was a partner with Jarman McKenna. He now leads HBA’s health law practice.

Dr Lu said he was deeply honoured to be the first Asian Australian lawyer appointed to the Tribunal, adding further diversity to the pool of decision-makers in Australia."

Read more on https://www.hbalegal.com/hba-partner-appointed-to-state-administrative-tribunal/

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