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Deakin Law Students’ Society - Diversity in Law Panel

30 Aug 2019 3:45 PM | Deleted user

Kelvin Ng, AALA (Vic) Committee Member, spoke as a panelist at the ‘Diversity in Law Panel’ held by the Deakin Law Students’ Society on 29 August 2019. The other panelists were Ella Van Der Schans, President of Victorian Women Lawyers, Jared Heath, Chair of Pride - Corrs Network Steering Committee, and Natsuko Ogawa, Head of the All - Ashurst network.

The panelists engaged in an insightful discussion regarding the importance and benefits of diversity, under-representation of diverse groups, improvements and future challenges, and how students can meaningfully contribute.

Thank you Deakin Law Students’ Society for holding the event and Kelvin and the panelists for speaking.

#aalaeventsmelb #diversity #inclusion #culturaldiversity

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