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Statement from Asian Australian Lawyers’ Association National Executive - English language test

11 Oct 2020 8:56 PM | Deleted user

Statement from Asian Australian Lawyers’ Association National Executive - English language test

The AALA National Executive is concerned about the recent announcement in the Federal Budget introducing an English language test for individuals seeking a partner visa as well as their sponsors, if they are permanent residents rather than Australian citizens.

AALA is concerned that this test may have a discriminatory effect on particular groups of immigrants more than others. It may also impinge on a person's fundamental human right to marry their partner of choice. AALA calls on the government to provide further consultation with multicultural communities on the proposal prior to the planned introduction of this requirement in late 2021.

AALA asks if there is any evidence that the proposal will help support English language acquisition and enhance social cohesion and economic participation outcomes. Otherwise, AALA is concerned that the proposal may lead to further division.

Further reading: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/english-language-requirement-for-australian-partner-visa-applicants-to-begin-late-2021

Media contact:

Molina Asthana, mailto:vicepresident@aala.org.au 0400785299

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