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AALA National Digital Events Series 2020 - CLE - Trends in Climate Litigation

  • 28 May 2020
  • 6:00 PM
  • Zoom link sent to attendees

Registration is closed

AALA is pleased to invite members to attend the first event of the Inaugural AALA Digital Events Series with “Trends in climate litigation.”

Presenter: Matt Floro, Solicitor with the Environmental Defenders Office and AALA National Secretary

Date: Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 6.00 pm AEST / 4.00 pm AWST via Zoom conference (Zoom Conference Link will be emailed to registrants before the seminar)

The environment is becoming the new frontier in public interest litigation, particularly around climate change issues. This is only reinforced by recent predictions by former High Court Chief Justice Robert French that climate change litigation will be on the rise. But what avenues are there for climate change litigation in Australia? This CLE will untangle the avenues to bringing environment claims - traversing merits appeal and judicial review challenges, shareholder action and actions against trustees of superannuation funds. We will be joined by EDO Solicitor and AALA National Secretary Matt Floro, who had carriage of the recently successful Rocky Hill climate change litigation.

For NSW, Qld and Vic members, if this educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long-term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you may be able to claim one point per hour of formal presentation (1 Substantive Law CLE/CPD Point). For WA members, this seminar is currently under review for the allocation of 1 CPD point in Substantive Law.

Members are kindly requested to register for the event by close of business on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 online at AALA National Digital Events Series 2020 - CLE - Trends in Climate Litigation

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