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AALA National Annual General Meeting 2021

  • 30 Nov 2021
  • 7:00 PM
  • Zoom

Asian Australian Lawyers Association Inc.

Reg. No. A0060052T / ARBN 604 922 812

(the Association)

Notice of 2021 National Annual General Meeting 

(National AGM)

NOTICE IS GIVEN that the National AGM of the Members of the Association will be held as follows:

Place: Online via Zoom with details to be circulated to Members

Date: Tuesday, 30 November 2021


7.00pm AEDST (Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) (for a 7.30pm start)

6.30pm ACDST (Adelaide) (for a 7.00pm start)

6.00pm AEST (Brisbane) (for a 6.30pm start)

5.30pm ACST (Darwin) (for a 6pm start)

4.00pm AWST (Perth) (for a 4.30pm start)

Important: from 7.00pm – 7.30pm AEDST, registration and credentialling of members will take place.  You must log on online during this time to be properly registered and credentialled before the National AGM commences at 7.30pm AEDST.

Download Notice of 2021 AALA National Annual General Meeting






Acknowledgment of Country



Appointment of Chair of National AGM by Ordinary Resolution



Appointment of the National Returning Officer by Ordinary Resolution



Confirmation of the minutes of the 2020 National AGM by Ordinary Resolution

Refer to Annexure B



Receipt and consideration of reports from the National President, National Vice-President, National Secretary and National Treasurer by Ordinary Resolution



Receipt and consideration of the Annual Report for the 2020-2021 financial year and Financial Statements for the 2020-2021 financial year by Ordinary Resolution


The Annual Report for the 2020-2021 financial year and Financial Statements for the 2020-2021 financial year will be distributed to members prior to the National AGM.



Setting of the number of Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee for 2021-2022 by Ordinary Resolution



Approval of the AALA membership fee structure for the 2021-2022 financial year by Ordinary Resolution



Vote on proposed amendments to the AALA Constitution by Special Resolution

Refer to Annexure C



Election of the Executive Committee Members (other than any Branch President and any Branch Secretary)

Refer to Annexure D



Branch Showcase: Reports from Branches



Consideration of any other items of business



Proxy Form

Members may appoint another Member to attend, speak and vote at the National AGM, as the Member’s proxy, by completing the Proxy Form and submitting it to the Association in accordance with the requirements specified on the Proxy Form itself and on the Notice of National AGM. 

Non-members are welcome to attend the National AGM but will not be eligible to vote on the items of business (see further details below on eligibility to vote).


Eligibility to vote

For the purposes of the National AGM, a person is entitled to vote if:

  • the person is a Member of the Association (other than an Associate Member);
  • more than 10 business days have passed since he or she became a Member; and
  • the Member’s membership rights are not suspended for any reason.

If you have not yet paid your membership fees for the 2021-2022 financial year, you must do so by 11.59pm AWST 15 November 2021.  If you do not pay your membership fees for the 2021-2022 financial year by this time, you will NOT be eligible to vote at the National AGM.  



If required, elections for the positions of National President, National Vice-President, National Secretary and National Treasurer, and (if required) a single election for Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee, will be held at the National AGM.

Please see attached the Nomination Form, AALA National Policies and Position Descriptions for more information.

Completed Nomination Forms must be returned by 7pm AEDST Sunday 28 November 2021:

·       by email to:

Participants in the National AGM and Branch Meetings for 2021 must also read the following documents:

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