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  • 26 Feb 2016 4:41 PM | Deleted user
    Dear Members, 

    The Australian Italian Lawyers Association is hosting a dinner seminar on 10 March 2016. 

    Date: 10 March 2016

    Time: 7pm for 7:30pm

    Venue: University House, University of Melbourne, 112 Professors Walk, Parkville

    Tickets: $99

    CPD Points: 1

    The Hon Justice Tony Pagone of the Federal Court of Australia will introduce The Hon Justice Oberto of the Court of Turin (Italy) who will speak on "The enforcement of Court Orders in European Countries". Attendees will be entitled to 1 CPD point.

    This is not an AALA event, but AALA members are warmly invited to attend. 

    For details on registration, please visit: http://www.trybooking.com/179143

  • 11 Feb 2016 2:20 PM | Deleted user

    The LIV has recently published an article on the subject of cultural inclusivity in the legal profession. The article references the Honourable Michael Kirby's speech at the launch of the AALA's NSW branch. 

    To read more, please click here to visit the LIV's website. 

  • 05 Feb 2016 6:35 PM | Deleted user
    Lawyers Weekly has recently posted an article on John Leung, an Asian Australian barrister who will be performing at this year's Melbourne International Comedy Festival. 

    To read more, please click here to visit the Lawyers Weekly website. 

  • 02 Feb 2016 12:51 PM | Deleted user
    Australian of the Year David Morrison has recently spoken out about the discrimination against Asian Australians from advancing to top jobs. According to the news.com.au article, "Gen Morrison says, it’s not only racist, but bad business". 

    Gen Morrison is chair of the Diversity Council of Australia. 

    To read more, please click here
  • 01 Feb 2016 9:31 AM | Deleted user

    For members who are interested in attending the International Bar Association’s Annual Conference in Washington, you may be interested to know that there is a scholarship program available for young lawyers. 

    To find out more about the scholarship, please click here to visit the IBA's website. 

  • 28 Jan 2016 8:15 PM | Deleted user

    Dear Members, 

    If you have not yet done so, we would encourage you to register for our upcoming panel discussion event on 19 February 2016. This event is hosted in conjunction with Association of Corporate Counsel Australia (ACC). 

    The event will be an excellent opportunity to hear firsthand from The Hon Robin Scott MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, in relation to the Victorian Government's new multicultural policy statement. The statement is anticipated to be released during Cultural Diversity Week 2016.

    For more information and registration details, please click here

  • 25 Jan 2016 12:48 PM | Deleted user

    The Asian Australian Lawyers Association is pleased to announce that Gordon & Jackson, Barristers' Clerks in Victoria, became a sponsor of the AALA from 1 January 2016.

    Ross Gordon, Principal Clerk said:

    "Our list is diverse in its expertise across all legal practice areas and in the origins and cultural backgrounds of our 162 barristers.

    We value opportunities to build strong relationships within our community and accordingly we are delighted to support the goals and aspirations of the AALA.

    Australia sees itself as very much a part of Asia and as lawyers are increasingly engaged at national and global levels. We are proud to support the development of our Asian Australian lawyers and we are excited about opportunities for relationship building and connection with our Asian legal colleagues."

    President Reynah Tang thanked Gordon & Jackson for its generous support for the association and said:

    "The sponsorship reflects the commitment of Gordon & Jackson and its barristers to engagement with Asia, and follows on from their previous sponsorship of one of our events.

    With the support of our sponsors, we are hoping to announce some exciting new initiatives this year including a scholarship prize for emerging Asian Australian legal talent.

    We look forward to working with Ross and his team as we continue to build our relationships and connections into Asia, and as we strive to advance cultural diversity in the legal profession."

  • 22 Dec 2015 2:54 PM | Deleted user

    The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) and Association of Corporate Counsel (Australia) presents "Getting the monkey off our backs: improving diversity and inclusion in the legal sector".

    Please join us for lunch to welcome the Year of the Monkey, and a panel discussion to consider diversity and inclusion in the legal profession.

    If you are an AALA member, a special members discount code has been sent to your email address.


  • 03 Dec 2015 11:08 AM | Deleted user

    The AALA is pleased to announce that former High Court judge Michael Kirby AC CMG has been appointed the patron of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association. 

    Mr Kirby was the keynote speaker at the launch of the AALA in NSW, and has been an outspoken champion of diversity in the legal profession. 

    To read the Australasian Lawyer's article on his appointment as patron, please click here

    To read The Australian's article, please click here

  • 01 Dec 2015 5:46 PM | Deleted user

    Dear Members, 

    We previously advertised on our blog about grants from the National Industry Scholarship Grant Initiative (NISGI) for women in the professional services sector. Please be advised that the application date has now been extended to 17 December 2015 for AALA members. For more information, please see below. 

    In 2015 Women & Leadership Australia is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across all sectors.

    From October 1 2015 the initiative will provide women in the professional services sector with grants for leadership development. More specifically, grant applications are open to women employed in the professional services sector at two levels. Please click on the preferred program link for details.

    1. Senior Management and Executive level Women Leaders can apply for $12,000 Individual Grants to undertake the Advanced Leadership Program.
    2. Women Managers can apply for $5,000 Individual Grants to undertake the Accelerated Leadership Performance Program.

    Expressions of Interest
    To request a Scholarship Grant Application Form or additional information please complete the Expression of Interest form.

    Should you wish to discuss the initiative in more detail please contact Ian Johnson at the office of the National Industry Scholarship Program, Australian School of Applied Management on 03 9270 9016 or via ijohnson@asam.edu.au

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